Wade's Sparrow
I am often asked if driving an electric car has had any effect on our electric
bills. We didn't really notice any difference. I don't have a separate
electric meter for the Sparrow so we have
to trust the meters in the car to tell us how much electricity the car uses.
According to the "E-meter" on the dash of the Sparrow I get 5 to 6 miles to
the kWh. Given that my daily commute is 13 miles round trip, this is 2 or
3 kWH per day.
I average 220 miles per month in the Sparrow. Wind power here costs 7.8¢/kWh. This means the Sparrow adds about 40kWH or $3.00 to our monthly electric bill.
We had all of our utility bills since we moved to our current house and
I was able to enter, and graph, all of our electric meter readings.
This was an interesting experiment. Our house has electric heat for the one
room that used to be the attached garage. It also has air conditioning which we
use between two weeks to two months of the year. It would seem that our
electric use would be driven by the weather and be fairly random. The yearly averages have been much
more regular than I expected.
The red line shows each of our monthly readings (these are actually daily averages multipled by 30). The green bars show the average monthly kWH usage for the year.
The steady rise in our electric usage is probably due to age. Our children are getting older, they can now reach the light switches and open the refridgerator themselves. Our appliances are getting older and perhaps less efficient. My wife and I are getting older and perhaps setting the thermostat differently.
The average annual increase in the monthly averages from 1997 to 2000 was 75 kWh (55, 72, and 97). Our average monthly kWh usage increased 127 kWh between 2001 and 2002. If we assume that our electric use would have gone up 75 kWh without buying the Sparrow, then the Sparrow is using about 52 kWh per month. This is pretty close to the calculation of 40 kWh using the Sparrow's meter.
The following events have also affected our electric use:
Adding the electric car is the least noticable of these events.
We still don't have a clothesline.