Leon Satterfield

The Truth, Mainly - 2001

01/08/2001 The Clinton years: big pictures and short views
01/22/2001 Bilingual education doesn't work? Says who?
02/05/2001 Getting over the election: Om, om, ooommm
02/19/2001 Smelly deals all around
03/05/2001 And now should we outlaw same-sex wrestling?
03/19/2001 Happy days are here again! It's our money!
04/02/2001 Ned revisited: a sentimental journey
04/16/2001 The Death Tax: inspiration for "American Gothic"?
04/30/2001 Standardized Testing is a Satanic Invention
05/14/2001 Praying for pay is a sure-fire money maker
05/28/2001 An explosive new study called Desire
06/11/2001 Some simple-minded questions for the Governor
06/25/2001 Male listening: Did you just say something?
07/09/2001 A remembrance of telephone services past
07/23/2001 Telephone conversation with Holden Caulfield, 67
08/06/2001 The big deal about remains in a landfill
08/20/2001 On backward baseball caps, frontward neckties
09/03/2001 On Taliban theocracy and the Religious Right
09/17/2001 Let's take a deep breath before retribution
10/01/2001 Pat-and-Jerry Show brings welcome laughter
10/15/2001 Getting serious about obsolete war prayers
10/29/2001 A new scorecard of strange bedfellows
11/12/2001 More Options for Minute of Silence
11/26/2001 An English teacher's sermon in defense of irony
12/10/2001 On September 11 and religious totalitarianism
12/24/2001 Getting Christmas, 1941, but no electric train