01/11/1999 | Travels with Ned tough on the senses |
01/25/1999 | With luck, a way back into this Impeachment Mess |
02/08/1999 | Starr, Flynt and nation should say enough is enough |
02/22/1999 | Trying to imagine Brad Pitt singing for Ms. President |
03/22/1999 | A look at the history of women |
04/05/1999 | The price one pays for living The Frugal Lifestyle |
04/19/1999 | A test on foreign policy: How many more crying children? |
05/03/1999 | Changing what we can |
05/17/1999 | Palindromes, suck-egg mules, baseball lore erode memory |
05/31/1999 | Apology in order: NRA was right |
06/14/1999 | Pat's ecclesiastical homophobia costs him |
06/28/1999 | House digitally alters visage of school violence |
07/12/1999 | Advise from a three-year-old: Just close your eyes |
07/26/1999 | An now, the End is near; Eternal Truths no longer certain |
08/09/1999 | Dr. Dobson, sexist theology and boy cooties |
08/23/1999 | Short attention spans result in anti-evolution vote |
09/06/1999 | On the genetic playing field, even one-eyed beagles are the winners |
09/20/1999 | Reflections on a role model for our times: Narcissus |
10/04/1999 | Mona's right: Good news beats lamentations |
10/18/1999 | Wrath of the right visited upon the impious |
11/01/1999 | Some plutocrats are more equal than others |
11/15/1999 | Big Red poetry found: Shakespeare a suspect |
11/29/1999 | Leviticosis Becomes Epidemic |
12/13/1999 | State has too much gambling ground to stand on |
12/25/1999 | Hearing choir sing 'Ave Maria' in Latin was an epiphany |