Leon Satterfield

The Truth, Mainly - 1991

01/14/1991 Documentary on My Lai killings doesn't take mind off gulf crisis
01/28/1991 Living the macho dream: Playing trombone
02/11/1991 Instead of war, a Bush-Saddam tough talk contest in the desert
02/25/1991 For people's dispositions, even a bad dog better than no dog at all
03/11/1991 In my day, B-ball tougher
03/25/1991 'High profile liberated' male speaks out during Women's History Month
04/08/1991 'Accident' led to rethinking of political values
04/22/1991 Male mind besieged by hordes of hormones
05/06/1991 Fraternities under fire: What's the big deal?
05/20/1991 Worshiping at the alter of the compost pile
06/03/1991 Shirking responsibility on the Loup and elsewhere
06/17/1991 11 cars excessive? Plea for tolerance
07/01/1991 Unbridled patriotism like ride on unbridled horse
07/15/1991 Remodeling paradise, a piece at a time
07/29/1991 'Poormouthing' wards off celestial jokesters
08/12/1991 Idle chatter turns to laziness, bootstraps
08/26/1991 Examples of poetic justice can be found everywhere
09/09/1991 … And still more lessons from the failed coup
09/23/1991 Paying the price of saving money can make for a rough ride
10/07/1991 The decline and fall of baseball, the U.S.
10/20/1991 A sanctimonious senator schmooshed
11/04/1991 Are inoffensive Democrats ready to OK Grand Poobah?
11/18/1991 'Selective senility' appears with birth of first grandchild
12/02/1991 Use Pearl Harbor for empathy lesson
12/16/1991 Santa, chocolate and pleasures of flesh
12/30/1991 Clothes Make the Academic, girly charges notwithstanding